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At first when i read the first stateent it looked like a (P.J). but asi continued to read futher it sound like an adult P.J. I must say this it had dobble meaning to it and it has been written very carefuly. but if this joke had a title saying "read and answer Q with out a dobble meaning" i am sure an avrage person will have the povert ans first and then the other.
"Life" i am sure as far as i know and have see and learnt from lifes exprence that not too many people wii feel the exact same feeling the bird. and that was a very touching write up abt the alive birs and its dead mate.And it was nice of the photograther to pick up the dead bird from the road and also saved the life of the living bird.who was saddened by the death of it loved one and would have died too.......
"Life" I will agree all thats has been said abt a women. Coz then u read very line that explains how a women an be. to me when i read it its sound life some one is discribing my mother. i know u dont always want to look at it that way. u want it to ur wife ir girlfriend or some one u love and care for. But all this isnt easy to find it take a really long time eot find that kind of perfection. Coz the one u love besides ur mother is juust stated life. and has flaws and is only a girl or a lady but not yet a complet women. So give her time , be pacient, take time to see closely she is transparent but only for ur eyes to see. MOST IMP LISENT TO HER HEART AND UNDERSTAND EVERY WORD and then when ur done lisenting u will have tears in ur eyes. Women arnt realy all the difficult to understand. It comes from exprience. she isnt perfect and nither r u. Dont forget if a women loves or cares for u she will give a 101% at it but u wont at least not always coz some we dont notice the little things that mean alot to her. remember she looks up to u for everyhting u mean life itself for her, so try and not look down at her. but try and carry her up while looking down at her. and if u dont agree with me will i can say only one thing " YOU HAVENT FOUND THE RIGHT ONE YET". DONT LOOK TO FAR, MAY WHAT UR LOOKING FOR IS RIGHT UNDER UR NOSE.
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